Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course
With fall come cooler Temperature here in Arizona and with that more aviation activity around the state. That brings me to the reason for my first blog. I would like to pass a long some tips while photographing at the many facility here in Arizona. Their both military and civilian airports all around the state and most are working to be part of the community. To this extent some are more photographers friendly. The rule varies for military and civilian. With WTI starting up I am going to go over some of the guideline that I have learned over that past few years
There are some simple rules to follow when at a military operation. First is do not shoot into any base from out side the fence. You can shoot the aircraft departing and arriving but don’t lower the lens into the base. This rule holds for all the military bases. Don’t wander on to private property. Be preparing to answer question from both local and military police. They are only doing their job so be petite, and listen.
Now on to Yuma MCAS and WTI. Their been some aviation site that have several location to photograph from and some of theses talk of the south end of the airport, this however is private property and will get you in hot water. During WTI you can find the fair ground an enjoyable place to get wonderful images with little hassle. Don’t be surprise to find some of the locals out their watching too. The light get better in the afternoon from this area. During the later part of this training exercise that do an assault on a local park and you can find more information on what date and what might be restricted roads at http://www.yumasun.com/.
Again have fun and enjoy the activity, but also be respectful of the community surrounding the airport.
In later Blog I will cover some other Arizona airports and aviation events.
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